
Conditions allow you to fine-tune your macro's behaviour without having to know any Lua at all!


/command [condition] parameters

Conditions are put after the chat command but before the chat command's parameters into square brackets.

/command [condition1 condition2] parameters

Conditions can be chained together by seperating them using an empty space. All conditions must be met before the command is executed.

/command [condition:parameter] parameters

Some conditions may take parameters. These follow after a colon : or, in some cases, after a greater than > or less than < sign.

/command [condition:1/2/3] parameters

Some conditions may take multiple parameters. These have to be seperated by slashes /.


When using conditions in your macros, it might be desirable to perform two different actions that depend on both outcomes of a condition. While you could in theory achieve this by repeating the inverted condition one line below, you'll realise that this would lead to making your macros exceedingly bigger. An example:

/cast [dead] Spell1
/cast [nodead] Spell2

Roid-Macros solves this by allowing you to branch off of the first set of parameters, if the conditions fails, by seperating them with a semicolon ; at the end. The same example but now with a branch instead:

/cast [dead] Spell1; Spell2

Of course you could also put in more conditons in the different branches!

/cast [condition1] Healing Wave; [condition2] Windfury Totem; [condition3] Healing Wave (Rank 3); Frost Shock

Note, that you may use any spell you want within each condition. Also, there mustn't be a whitespace character after each semicolon. You may, however, use them to improve readability.

Supported Chat Commands

This is a list of all Chat Commands that support conditions:

Available Conditoins: